...tion Distribution 体积分数分配 volume of distribution 分布体积 ; 容积 ; 分布容积 ; 体积 apparant volume of distribution 表观分布容积 ..
apparent volume of distribution 表观分布容积
Volume of Distribution of Urea 尿素分布容积
apparent volume of distribution Vd 表观分布容积
the volume of distribution 分布容积
FMZ volume of distribution fmz分布容积
aparent volume of distribution 表观分布容积
apparant volume of distribution 表观分布容积
Histogram of RBC volume distribution 患者红细胞体只分布图 ; 分布图
以上来源于: WordNet
The apparent volume of distribution is 0.15~0.31/kg and protein binding 30~40%.
表观分布容积为0.15~0.31/kg、蛋白质结合率为 30~4C%。
In general, the initial dose depends on the volume of distribution, and maintenance doses depend on clearance.
The apparent volume of distribution and the unbound fraction in plasma are the most widely used parameters for drug distribution.